House floor plan with locations of electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures
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House floor plan with locations of electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Floor plan based on the sketch made in excel

We share with you an inspiring story about our latest client who came to us with his own handmade house floor plan made in Excel! Electrical plugs, electrical switches and lights were also added there, as the goal was to get the locations of the electrical installations in addition to the correct house floor plan. Every plug, switch, and light fixture was meticulously placed in Excel's cells to ensure the best lighting and comfort in her future home. The building was also thoroughly measured by the client. Our task was to make his digital sketches visually real, and we are experts in this field.

Manually created house floor plan in Excel - The starting point of dreams

This order is a good example of the fact that manual measurements do not have to be done on paper, but can also be done very successfully in Excel. A sketch of a house floor plan made in Excel is especially good when it is necessary to add many different details that the client wanted to highlight in the legend - for example, electrical plugs, switches and various lights. In this case, perhaps it would have been more difficult if done on paper, so a very creative and effective approach on the part of the client.

House plan with the locations of electrical plugs, switches and lights (sketch made by the client in Excel)
House plan with the locations of electrical plugs, switches and lights (sketch made by the client in Excel)

Result - House floor plan with exact locations of electrical plugs, switches and lights

The client was very satisfied with the final result. He could now see exactly how his house would look and how light and electrical equipment would complement its functionality. You can also see the lengths of the walls and the area of the rooms. We delivered the house plan drawings to the client as both PDF and AutoCAD dwg drawings. Since the house plan is made in AutoCAD, the future electrical designer can change the drawing accordingly and use it to make a correct electrical project. The purpose of the floor plan was to provide an initial overview, which the client can further supplement if necessary.

House plan with locations of electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures
House plan with locations of electrical outlets, switches, and light fixtures


Expert in house floor plans

If you, too, are looking for a way to turn your home vision into reality, whether it's in an Excel spreadsheet or in any other form, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you realize your home dreams.

Expert in house plans
Expert in house plans

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